Tochnog Professional

Incremental Driver

A dedicated special purpose incremental driver has been developed which is able to calculate the results of homogeneous experiments. Both displacement controlled and force controlled experiments can be performed. The program is fully parallised; it can calculate fast large amounts of experiments. See test/incremental_driver in your distribution on how to use it.

The following experiments can be used:

The following material laws can be used:
The following deformation models can be used:
Results are printed for:
Examples are shown below. We use the geotechnics convection in which compression is positive and extension is negative. The corresponding input files can be found in your distribution in the directory test/incremental_driver.

drained incremental triaxial compression test, mohr-coulomb, stress path

drained incremental triaxial compression test, mohr-coulomb, axial def. - q

drained incremental triaxial compression test, mohr_coulomb, volumetric behavior

undrained incremental triaxial compression test, mohr-coulomb, effective stress path

undrained incremental triaxial compression test, mohr-coulomb, strain - q

undrained incremental triaxial compression test, mohr-coulomb, effective and total stress path

undrained incremental triaxial compression test, mohr-coulomb, axial strain - pore pressure

drained incremental triaxial compression test, mohr-coulomb, stress strain behavior

drained direct shear test, hypoplasticity, volumetric behavior

drained direct shear test, hypoplasticity, stress strain behavior